• Restorer Ultimate Documentation

Find and Mark Files

You may find and mark a particular file if it is hard to find it manually. Or you may find and mark many files at once.

Please note that each find and mark/unmark operation is independent from previous ones. That is, if a file matches the search criteria, it will be marked/unmarked regardless of its previous marked/unmarked state.

For example, if you first mark all doc files, and then all txt files, all doc files remain marked, too. If you then decide to unmark all files smaller than 2 kB, all doc and txt files will stay marked except those that less than 2 kB.

Sorting files by their extensions or creation/modification/accessed time

To sort files by their extensions or creation/modification/accessed time,

Existing Structure

to sort the files by their existing folders/files structure


to sort the files by their extensions

Creation Time

to sort the files by their creation time

Modification Time

to sort the files by their modification time

Accessed Time

to sort the files by their accessed time

> Restorer Ultimate will show the sorted files in the Folders and Content panels, showing a path to each file

Finding and marking files using the Find/Mark dialog box

You may find and mark a single or all the necessary files on the entire disk by using Mark matched files in the Find/Mark mode option.

To search for a file,

1 Click Actions->Find/Mark on Task List,

or select Find/Mark on the Tools menu.

To reach the Tools menu, click the Restorer Ultimate top left corner and select Advanced .

2 Specify a file to be found and its options on the Find dialog box, and click the OK button

Note that a File Mask may be applied.

Click to enlarge

Find/Mark dialog box

Click to expand/collapse Find/Mark options

> Restorer Ultimate will show/mark the found file(s)

To repeat the search,

* Click the Actions->Find next or Find prev on Task List,

Click to expand/collapse Other ways to repeat the search

To find all files and show them on the Find Results panel,

* Select Find all on the on the Find dialog box,


select Find all on the Tools menu.

To reach the Tools menu, click the Restorer Ultimate top left corner and select Advanced .

> Restorer Ultimate will show the found files on the Find Results panel